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  • Chad Le Tourneau

Le Tourneau Painting Blog

In august Le Tourneau Painting was contacted to by Ingram Micro to perform a unique project. If you don't know who Ingram Micro is your probably not a tech nut like me. To quote their Wikipedia page:

"the company is the only global broad-based IT distributor, serving resellers in approximately 150 countries on six continents. The company offers more than 1,400 suppliers access to a global customer base of more than 185,000 resellers of various categories, including Value Added Resellers (VARs), corporate resellers, direct marketers, retailers, Internet-based resellers, and government and education resellers."

Crazy right?

On top of that, Ingram Micro is the largest public company in Orange County. So... when we got the call from them, we were very happy to have a chance to work with such a strong company.

What Ingram Micro needed from us, was a price for a specialty project they were thinking of doing. They had visited the Le Tourneau Painting website and noticed we offer a lot of unique services such as logo painting, vinyl wall graphic installation, as well as many other commercial painting services. After receiving our bid with a few others, they decided to go with us. Later we found out that we were selected because we were competitive, and they liked the estimator because he was helpful and spent a lot of time with them. Go Chad!!!

Read below to learn more about this specialty project.

About this Commercial Sign / Logo Painting Project

As mentioned above, what Ingram Micro needed was for us to paint their company name which serves as their logo, as well as their catch phrase. The area in which the logo was to be painted was located on the roof of one of their buildings located in Santa Ana Ca. The total area that we would be painting was about 75 feet by 40 feet.

The project consisted of three lines of text, including their company name Ingram Micro, as well as their catch phrase "Partner Smart". The first challenge we were up against was the heat we where experiencing in August. We knew we didn't want our crews to spend a couple of days in the heat designing the layout, so we chose to create a template instead. The template acts as a stencil for us to follow, and saves a lot of time that would normally be spent on the roof portion of the project. Once the template was done we headed up to the roof and power washed the entire area that was to be painted. This type of project requires the right paint, as well as a very clean surface to work on. With the template fully laid out it was time to move into the painting phase. All in all the project did not require a lot of paint. There were about three colors and less than ten gallons of paint was actually used to create the whole thing. The final project came out great and the customer was very pleased.

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